If you have a private pumping station at the bottom of your garden or in your street we need to know about it.

In the past, you were responsible if anything went wrong, but in 2016 we took over responsibility for many private pumping stations in our region, along with the maintenance and running costs. We've now found most of them, but we're still looking for the last few.


Once we find them, we assess each one and repair where necessary. They come in various shapes, sizes, colours and locations, so if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, our handy spotter's guide can help.

Register a private pumping station

If you've spotted a private pumping station, we’re keen to register it, so please contact us.

We need to know:

  • was the pumping station installed & pumping by 1 July 2011
  • does the pumping station pump to an Anglian Water main
  • does the pumping station serve more than one property?

If it’s a yes to any of these, we'll then carry out a survey to check it’s eligible for adoption.