At Anglian Water we work with a wide variety of suppliers from a diverse demographic to supply goods and services for our ever changing needs. Due to the nature of our procurement requirements, we work with all sizes of organisations, from sole traders through to large, limited organisations, and as a result we need a supplier onboarding and management process that can capture all the information we need, yet support the diversity of our supply base.


However, despite being a private company, we are governed by strict government set procurement regulations. We need to consider our spend per requirement and consider if this spend is part of a larger pool of annual spend across the business. Checks are then carried out to determine if the spend meets the thresholds we are governed by, therefore directing us onto the next steps. The thresholds are set bi-annually by the UK government and these regulations are then integrated to form the basis of Anglian Waters procurement process.


Our procurement pathways;


NFP (Non-Framework Procurement)

Generally for one off purchases, or for unforeseen spend below threshold which hasn’t been procured by a tender process. 3 quotes are usually required as per internal process requirements.


Below Threshold Tender

An RFQ (request for quotation) procurement process – a process conducted on Scanmarket but as a one step, all encompassing process via invite only


Above Threshold Tender

  • For annual spend over the threshold which follows a minimum of a 2-step process an RFI (request for information) and RFP (request for proposal)
  • Often takes approximately 6 months
  • Advertised one of two ways – either on our public page or using Achilles (pre-qualification database). If Achilles is used then you will be directly contacted to request participation in the tender.


All procurement will result in a contract of some form, whether it be the terms of a purchase order, or that of a formal contract. This is dependent on how it is procured and the spend, and will be guided by Anglian Water


Please also visit our Risk Assessment and Requirements page for further information.