Senior Independent Non-Executive Director






  • Senior Independent Non-Executive Director in January 2024 
  • Chair of the Audit Committee in April 2020
  • Independent Non-Executive Director in October 2018 


Skills, Competencies & Experience

Zarin is a chartered accountant who spent 16 years at KPMG followed by 15 years at the BBC, during which time she helped to transform the organisation into a fully digital broadcaster. Zarin was CFO of the BBC and sat on its Board, where she was also responsible for risk management. Latterly, Zarin was COO of The Grass Roots Group plc, a customer and employee engagement specialist.


She was an independent member of the Audit & Risk Committee of John Lewis Partnership plc until April 2021 and the Senior Independent Director of Post Office Limited until March 2023. 


Other Roles


Zarin is currently Senior Independent Director of Pets at Home Group plc, where she is also Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee, and a Non-Executive Director of Hays plc, where she is also Chair of the Risk & Audit Committee. She is a Non-Executive Director on the Board of HM Treasury and chairs its Audit & Risk Committee. She and also sits on the Board of Trustees of the National Trust and chairs its Audit Committee.