Anglian Water interacts with thousands of customers every day. These interactions help us understand what matters most to the communities we serve, whether they happen on the doorstep, on social media, or in more formal research and engagement settings.


We regularly reflect on what customers are telling us so their views can inform how we run our business day-to-day, and how we plan for the future.


This section sets out how we have engaged our customers in the development of our business plan. This includes:

  • a synthesis of what our collected insight is telling us
  • how this insight from customers, external groups and stakeholders has helped to shape our plan.

It’s to be expected that different customer and stakeholder groups will have distinctive views on what is important to them. And while we will always do our best to cater for individual wants, it’s important we weigh up the evidence in the round. For that reason, while individual reports can be instructive, it is the synthesis of these that provides the best insight upon which our plans are based.