Our 2024 Service Commitment Plan responds to Ofwat’s Water Company Performance Report for 2023/24. Each year, we are assessed by Ofwat against 40 different measures. These measures, known as Performance Commitments, were set at the 2019 Price Review.


In the report, Ofwat focuses on the 16 largest water and wastewater companies in England and Wales across a subset of 12 common Performance Commitments. Ofwat produces an overarching assessment on water company performance, categorising companies as either leading, average or lagging.

This year, we were deemed as a ‘lagging’ performer by Ofwat, for the second year in a row. No companies are in Ofwat’s ‘leading’ category again this year.  


Our Plan provides context into how and why our performance fell short, and our plans to address challenges. We explain each area of performance, the root causes of underperformance and the actions we’re taking alongside where we have made improvements. We provide forecast data until the end of this Asset Management Period, 2025. Our plan has been approved by our Board and was shared prior to publishing with our Independent Customer Group.


Service commitment plan