As our region gets drier, it becomes more at risk of flooding. Managing surface water run-off helps protect homes and the environment. One way you can help is by using Sustainable Drainage Systems, known as SuDS.

What are SuDS?


SuDS are an alternative way to manage surface water by reducing or delaying rainwater run off. They aim to mimic the way rainfall drains naturally rather than conventional piped methods, which cause problems such as flooding, pollution or damage to the environment.


We promote the use of SuDS as a sustainable and natural way of controlling surface water run-off. 

Want to know more about the design, construction and adoption of SuDS?

Please take a look at our sustainable drainage systems manual.


Apply for us to consider the adoption of your proposed SuDS scheme

Pre-design strategic discussion form


When planning your development its advisable to contact us as soon as possible to assist with effective SuDS design.



Need help with your Pre-design strategic discussion/assessment form?
