Our charges are reviewed annually and come into effect from 1st April each year. If your project is not completed with us before the 1st April 2025, you will incur additional charges, including a re-quote and re-design fee along with any charges increase that comes into effect.


General information

You can find our charging information for the current financial year in our charging arrangements.  Here, you will also find our charging arrangements for previous years. Please note, our charges are updated annually on 1 April. 


We carefully considered the feedback from our charging consultations. As a result, our new Charging Arrangements aim to simplify our charging structure and pass on efficiencies we’ve identified for the benefit of our customers.


Cost estimates

When we provide you your project survey and cost estimate, the total amount is based on your agreed design to make your estimate as accurate as possible. But in some cases, unforeseen circumstances during the construction phase may increase the total amount payable. Therefore this estimate is provided on the information that we had available at the time, but may be subject to significant variance should anything change.


Income offset

In line with regulatory rules from Ofwat, we have removed the income offset discount.  There is, however, a new Environmental Incentives Scheme, which can be potentially be accessed in order to offset some of our charges.


Lead supply

If your property has lead pipework and you wish to come off from a common supply, please be aware that applications receiving surveys after 1st April 2025 will incur charges for the Anglian Water portion of the work. This is because a new connection will be made for your property instead of removing lead pipes from the Anglian Water network. If you plan to replace lead pipework and switch from a common supply, you must submit your application by 3rd March 2025 to enable us to complete your survey before 1st April 2025, ensuring the work is carried out free of charge. However, if you apply before 3rd March 2025 and due to your actions, the survey and quote are delayed until after 1st April, the works will be chargeable. Find out more about a Replacement Connection.


Contact us

Our team are on hand for any question you may have, just email us: connections@anglianwater.co.uk