We have been working on doing the right thing in streamlining the service we offer to you along with making our internal ways of working more efficient.  With that in mind and with immediate effect we will be implementing a clearer process for submission of your Weekly Whereabouts. 


Written notification to the Water Company (in this case, Anglian Water Services) of an intention to carry out planned works must be in accordance with WIRs. The Self-Lay Works should comply with the accepted design in Anglian Water’s Design and Construction Specification and the Water Adoption Agreement.


As you may be aware, the submission of Weekly Whereabouts falls under Section 7 – Self-Laid Mains Phasing Programme & Weekly Whereabouts Schedule within the Water Adoption Agreement that Self-Lay Providers (SLPs) sign up to.


We have two methods for you to submit your information depending on the number of sites:


Microsoft Form: For customers wishing to submit up to 10 different site Whereabouts.
Microsoft Excel Template: For customers needing to submit larger quantities of information.

Whereabouts must be submitted no less than 3 calendar days in advance of the planned work.


In practice, this means submission by 4 pm on the Wednesday before the work is undertaken. Failure to provide, adhere to, or update the Weekly Whereabouts Schedule may result in an inspection notice by the Water Company under clauses 8.4 and 8.5. This could require the SLP to open up the works or any section of it at the SLP’s cost. For more details, please refer to your Water Adoption Agreement.


Should you have any questions or need some support with submitting your information, please email us at self-lay@anglianwater.co.uk or contact your designated Project Liason Manager.