While it is likely to be impossible to eliminate plastic completely from our lives, there are steps which can be taken to help reduce the amount we are all using and the amount that is circulating in our oceans.

In 2018 we became the first water company to announce a radical commitment to rid the East of England of plastic pollution by 2030, read more about our ambitious commitments to create a more sustainable future of water and our regions environment. ​

Single use plastic items – the kind we use every day without even thinking about it – make up around half of all the pollution found on our beaches and rivers.​

Our top tips for living with less plastic is choose to reuse products, materials and resources for as long as possible, consequently minimising the generation of waste which is produced. ​

The worst offenders are plastic bottles, food-wrappers, wipes, cotton buds and menstrual products – many of which have reusable alternatives.  Using these alternatives are not only better for the environment, help reducing plastic pollution.  They will also save you money.

We have several partners who all formed the East of England Coalition, and together have some great tips to reduce our reliance on single use plastic and how to live plastic free. ​

Why not choose to reuse the following