At Anglian Water, we have a legal duty to supply water that’s of the highest quality possible. We equally have a duty to ensure you meet your legal obligations when connecting, using and maintaining pipes and water fittings inside your homes and businesses.

If you own or occupy a building connected to the public water supply, or you install plumbing or water fittings, you must follow The Water Supply (Water Fittings) Regulations 1999.

They’re designed to stop the waste, misuse, contamination and inaccurate measurement of your supplied water, and to ensure the Regulations are followed, we and our contractors can enter properties and carry out inspections.

If you run a business, from April 2017, you’ve been able to choose your water and sewerage service supplier, however we are still responsible for enforcing the Regulations within this area.    

Does your property comply with the water fittings regulations? Find out more here. 

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