Message last updated - Friday 28th March 2025
Message last updated - Friday 28th March 2025
Message last updated - Friday 28th March 2025
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Small changes to our bathroom habits can make a big impact on both water and energy usage - saving you money and protecting the planet at the same time.
Did you know that the bathroom is responsible for over 70% of the water we use every day? The average household also spends around 12% of their total energy bills on heating water, so using less hot water means using less energy as well. We know it’s more important than ever to try and save money on bills, which is why we want to help where we can. Why not try the following ideas to help you get started.
Leaky Loo - How to find and fix leaks
Showering for just one minute less can help you save over 28,000 litres of water and up to £100 in energy and water bills each year. That's the same as 350 full bathtubs! Taking a shorter shower is one of the best ways you can save water every day, so why not join the shorter shower challenge here.
You can either use a shower timer to start knocking the minutes off your current shower time, or have a go at challenging yourself to be out of the shower by the time your favourite song has finished. The ideal shower time to be aiming for is 5 minutes max. You can find some of our favourite songs that are 5 mins max on Spotify here.
Small swaps to save
Don’t lose out to a leaky loo
Remember to check your toilet for leaks. Leaky loos can happen without you even knowing and can easily waste up to 400 litres of clean water every day. To help you find out whether you have a leaky loo, try these simple steps…