When warm weather strikes, we all want to make the most of sun whilst it lasts. So here are some of our top tops and advice to keep the fun going all summer long, whilst loving every drop of water. 


​Paddling pools are a UK summer staple, and the average paddling pool requires over 500 litres of water to fill up – this is the same as 50 full watering cans! The easiest way to make your summer paddling pool more sustainable is to simply re-use the leftover water. Some ideas to get you started:

  • Wash your car ​
  • Water your plants ​
  • Make a bird bath ​
  • Remember to cover the pool with an old bed sheet if you want to reuse it the next day

​Keeping your little ones entertained during the summer holidays is no mean feat. So why not encourage their inner green thumb with these garden- inspired activities. 

Turn your old milk bottle into a DIY watering can​

  • Take an empty plastic milk bottle (or any drink bottle with a handle) and clean it thoroughly. ​
  • Use a hammer and nail to make holes in the bottle’s lid - the smaller the nail = the smaller the spray of water (adult supervision is recommended for this part!)​
  • Pierce a small hole in the milk bottle’s handle to allow airflow – this will help the flow of water ​
  • Remember to use some different coloured pens or paint to decorate your bottle.


Make a mini allotment from an old washing up bowl​

  • Take an old (or new) washing up bowl and simply make some drainage holes in the bottom​
  • Add your compost and soil, remember you can add your homemade compost and old grass cuttings too. ​
  • Then you can plant your seeds and water - remember you can use leftover grey water​
  • Place somewhere with lots of light and watch your plants grow 


Click here for more summer garden activities and ideas for your little ones. ​