Message last updated - Thursday 06th March 2025
Message last updated - Thursday 06th March 2025
Message last updated - Thursday 06th March 2025
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It’s important to us that our customers are able to easily understand their bills. Simply hover over the bill and a pop up will appear, which tells you everything you need to know.
If you’d like to receive your bill in a different format, such as large print or on different coloured paper, please let us know by registering for our Priority Services Register.
The example below is a typical metered bill.
Account holder’s details:
This is the name(s), address and postcode we hold for you. This address may be different to the property being billed (supply address) and is where the bill’s been sent to. If any of this information needs changing, please contact us.
Your account number:
This is your account number, which is unique to you. You can use this to register for our online service and manage your account online. It’s also worth having it handy when you contact us to help speed things up.
Your supply address:
This is the address your bill is for. This may be different to where the bill’s been sent if you’ve given us a different mailing address.
Your balance:
This amount is your current balance after we’ve taken into account any previous balance, the new charges for the billed period and any payments you’ve made since your last bill. If you’re in credit we’ll use the word credit to make it clear.
Your payment plan details:
Here you’ll see any changes we’ve made to your payment plan, or if you’re not on a payment plan we’ll tell you when you need to pay your bill by. The balance above is usually included in your arrangement, unless you’ve made a special arrangement with us.
Your water charges:
This includes a usage charge and a daily standing charge. Your usage charge is billed in cubic metres. (m3).
Your sewerage charges:
This also includes a usage charge and a daily standing charge which may include highway and surface water drainage. We only bill for 90% of your usage
Your usage:
Here we show your meter serial number, the readings we’ve used to calculate your bill. If you have an estimated reading and want to update your bill just contact us.
Account activity:
This is where you can see any payments you’ve made and any adjustments we’ve made to your account.
Payment plan details:
This is where we explain how we’ve calculated any changes to your payment plan. We include your current balance and your estimated future charges.
If you don't already have an Anglian Water account, you can set one up online quickly and easily using our online form.
Once registered at your address with us, you can sign-up to manage a wide range of elements relating to your account online using MyAccount.
You'll be able to add extra properties, update your phone numbers, email address, mailing address, bank details and set your preferences for paperless billing. As well as setting up payment alerts.
If you need to change the name on your Anglian Water account you can Contact us to arrange this.
You can also download the MyAccount App onto you mobile or tablet to be able to access your account while on the move.
Anglian Water Direct provides home emergency assistance and domestic efficiency products to Anglian Water customers. For more information on how they work with our partner HomeServe, please see the Anglian Water Direct page.
If you're interested in emergency insurance to take away the worry of unexpected problems and repair bills at your home, Anglian Water Direct through Homeserve can help.
Your data should load after around 3 seconds, but could be longer dependant on your internet speed. If the information doesn't display try to reload the page. Alternatively you can try another browser. For optimal visualisation always make sure your browser is up to date.
Alternatively, you can download the MyAccount app through GooglePlay or the AppStore. Further information is on our MyAccount App page.
The app should update regularly if you have this setting enable, otherwise any issues viewing through the app could be down to this.
If there is still a problem please call us on 03457 919 155 or alternatively, if you prefer to chat with someone online, one of our dedicated Live Chat agents will be happy to help. If someone is available to chat button will appear at the top of the chat box.
If you don't already have an Anglian Water account for your property, you can set one up online quickly and easily using our online form.
Once registered, you can sign-up to manage a wide range of elements relating to your account online using MyAccount.
You'll be able to add extra properties, update your phone numbers, email address, mailing address, bank details and set your preferences for paperless billing. As well as setting up payment alerts.
We have information on how you can download and use our MyAccount App.
If you need to change the name on your Anglian Water account, you can request to make this change using MyAccount once you are registered, however you can still contact us if you wish to.
Every year we review our charges to make sure you’re getting the best value for your money.
Find out more Find out moreSaving water doesn't mean we have to cut down on our cuppas.
Ways to use less Ways to use lessIf you need practical support, our Priority Services Register is here for you.
Who we can help Who we can help