The average person could generate enough electricity to power a 60watt light bulb for 9 hours every day - just with poo power.

After flushing, your wastewater makes its way to our water recycling centres, where our teams turn waste into power. But we don’t stop there, we use the latest technology to not only power our sites (as a greener alternative to fossil fuels) but also to help power the region.


Poo power

The process of combined heat and power (CHP) creates biogas. The gas is made up of methane and carbon dioxide which is then converted into energy.

Every drop goes through a lot of treating and cleaning. And living in one of the flattest areas of the country, we use lots of energy to pump water and wastewater around – both to and from your home. We generate around 30% of our energy from renewable sources. Explore how we’re working to become a carbon neutral business by 2030.