Stopping water going to waste is really important to us, so we’ll always fix any leaks we’re told about - or that we spot - as quickly as we can. But it’s important to know that how fast we can get to work depends on where the leak is.


Here are some of the common reasons that mean we can’t get to work as quickly as we’d like:


  • The leak’s on or near a busy road so we have to get permission from the Highways Authority. That can take several weeks for them to grant unless it’s an emergency.
  • If there’s a gas pipe, tree or lamppost in the way that we need to get permission to work near
  • We have to wait for a specific time to work – sometimes the local council will only let us work out of hours or in the school holidays to minimise disruption to traffic
  • We need to organise specialist equipment to fix the leak. This takes time to get it to site and then be ready to use.


Find out below about how we fix leaks in a public space or at your home.