Rising temperatures across the planet mean the threat of more frequent droughts, so it's important we all work together to tackle the impacts of climate change.


With the additional demands in our region and growing pressures on our water resources we’re already thinking about the future. Every day we work hard to minimise water waste and take steps to make sure there is enough water for our communities, both now and in the future.

Caring for habitats and wildlife

We are working hard to achieve lower leakage, invest more in smart meters and starting new future proofing projects so we can reduce the amount of water we abstract from the environment. This could be up to 84 million litres a day - saving more for our communities, wildlife, habitats and environment. By using less water, we will also use less energy to treat and move water through our pipes, saving carbon and reducing emissions.​ Read more about our other ambitious commitments to enhance the environment and tackle climate change.​ 

Leading on leakage

We already have the best leakage record in the UK, at around half the national average. But we’re not stopping there. Every drop of water is precious for us and the environment which is why we’re planning to reduce this by a further 22% by 2025, which will take us to world-leading levels of low leakage.


Reducing leakage means we’re saving more water for the wider environment, wildlife and communities. Learn more about how we are investing to reduce leakage and the industry leading technology we use. 

Smart futures

We’re fitting smart meters at a rate of around 1,000 every day, so almost all the region will have a smart meter by 2030. Not only does this help customers save water in their homes, but it will also help us keep on top of leaks. You can read more about our smart meter programme here.


Future proofing water supplies

A huge project is taking place in our region! We’re creating hundreds of kilometres of new interconnecting pipes to help us move water more freely. It’s one of the largest infrastructure projects in the UK and will reduce the amount of water taken from the environment, as well as strengthening local resilience by reducing the number of homes and businesses which currently only rely on a single water source. Explore more about our SPA initiative here.